Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Describing my classmate

I'm going to describe my classmate who is Henry. He come from Korea, Bun-Dang. He was born in 1991

Henry's stature is 182cm and he has nice face. Henry had got long hair, but he have cut already his

hair. Henry is well dressed. Especially, he is well proporioned and anything looks on him.

Him nose is straight and high. However, when he smiled, his face is little bit freak.

He is a nice man, but he is not a funny guy.

In short, he is very nice classmate and we are going to be a good friend.


  1. Herry is a good guy. I thik his short hair style is better:)~

  2. XD don't say freak man lol and I'm appreciate that you wrote about me

    we should hang out someday
